BB2G4 - the homepage of the batch 2 group 4 team
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Website of the month: Tito Noel has been the core designer of our magnificent and colorful group 4 logo, and his creative mind reflects on his very own home-made interactive homepage. Visit his site to see his other work-of-arts and a LOT of pics of him and his family. Go
Text of the month: "I may run out of message to text you. I may run out of jokes too. I may also run out of battery or even a dirhams too… but my heart won't run out of space for you!" Go
Welcome he who journeys forth into the land of time. In English; welcome to the story page, were u experience the group's 'imaginative' and 'creative' minds in story telling. Do not underestimate our knowledge, for we have been awarded as 'best scripted site' of both batch 2 and 3, and we are honored to be so. Read on to experience our………aaaaa…………beautiful script.

Let me present to you, the three persons who are gonna tell us the story; Green, Blue and Yellow:

 "okay I'm telling the story"
 "no your not, I'am"
 "your both wrong! I'm the one whose going to tell the story"
 "now u get lost blue, and yellow, shut-up, I'm telling the story!"
 "no way, Gree-"
 "wait!! Okay, lets organize a little problem. Green, why don't u start the story, and blue will start halfway, and I get the rest."
 "hey that's not fair! How come u get a lot more to say?"
 "Yea! Why so?"
 "Long time ago in a far away land, there lived a king adored by his people because of his unfailing generosity and love for them. His name is KING MILO TORRES who governed the vast land of Group Fourtress. Everyone in the kingdom is happy and contented because their beloved king rules fairly.
Onenight, while everybody was asleep, the palace was attacked by unscrupulous men from the neighboring kindom. Caught unaware by the surprise attack , many were killed. They did not spare the innocent women and children from the wrath of their envy."
 "Unknown to these men there exist a group of young men and women who have managed to hide and prepare for their defense. They transferred King Milo guarded by his most loyal Knight,Sir Nick, through a secret passage going to a small cave just outside the palace.
These courageous men and women who have dedicated themselves to the service of their King fought hard and mighty to defeat the enemies. Everybody who survived the attack were so happy and can't seem to stop thanking these gallant men and women for their victory.
Due to their outstanding performance in defending the kingdom, the King instructed the "Marlin" to make it possible for these men and women to be born again in the future."
 "Okay, we have now arrived to the 21st century. It is a place were crime and envy rule almost half the world. Our "so-called" heroes have been reborn into the world a couple of years back and now they have been once again reunited to serve not only their kingdom but this time…………..the world wide web. Each possessing different unique abilities, which put together, creates a very remarkable force. And following the steps of their pre-ancestors, the G-Fource, they have called themselves the G-Fourtress. Although their unique abilities differ them, they do share one thing in common ……….they have all graduated in the batch 2 web-designing course with the help of their beloved instructor Eng. Milo Torres (sounds kinda familiar isn't it)."

"Although not quite importance to most people, the G-Fourtress members regards it as a great honor to have been part of this course. Now, they are one step nearer into their main goal, that is to become webmasters of the new centuries. And this is made possible with the help of their trusty sidekick called 'nick', a robot who can actually speak in tagalog but not in English. With his help and OWWA corporation (who funds all their needs, except their internet bills) they become the supreme eating machine…………sorry folks….its: the supreme hacking machine…………. naaaaaa still sound weird. How about the supreme…………..okay, lets just leave it this way, if anyone of you know of a good phrase for us, you can e-mail it to anyone of our members, thank-you."

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